Total depravity
The theology of our total depravity is central to the Gospel, a truth that many resist but is essential for understanding our need for God's grace. Jonathan Edwards, the famous Puritan preacher, powerfully articulated these doctrines in his works. Most people wrongly believe they can contribute to their salvation and that they are essentially good. Edwards challenged this notion, emphasizing that "all mankind are by nature in a state of total ruin." This ruin extends to every part of our being, making us utterly incapable of contributing to our salvation. As Edwards wrote, "The corruption of the heart of man is great. There is in the heart of man a great deal of pride, a great deal of self-righteousness." ### God's Sovereign Work in Salvation In summary: You can only be born again when the Father draws you, the Holy Spirit quickens you, and the Son frees you. Edwards emphasized the necessity of divine intervention: "A natural man has no ability or dispo...