Total depravity
The theology of our total depravity is central to the Gospel, a truth that many resist but is essential for understanding our need for God's grace. Jonathan Edwards, the famous Puritan preacher, powerfully articulated these doctrines in his works.
Most people wrongly believe they can contribute to their salvation and that they are essentially good. Edwards challenged this notion, emphasizing that "all mankind are by nature in a state of total ruin." This ruin extends to every part of our being, making us utterly incapable of contributing to our salvation. As Edwards wrote, "The corruption of the heart of man is great. There is in the heart of man a great deal of pride, a great deal of self-righteousness."
### God's Sovereign Work in Salvation
In summary:
You can only be born again when the Father draws you, the Holy Spirit quickens you, and the Son frees you. Edwards emphasized the necessity of divine intervention: "A natural man has no ability or disposition to exercise the graces of the Spirit; he has no inclination to come to Christ, or to embrace him, or trust in him."
Until God causes you to be born of His Spirit, you are and will continue to be dead in your sins, hostile to God and His truth, and completely unable to save yourself. Edwards poignantly described this state: "The heart of man is exceedingly depraved, it is desperately wicked, it is dead in sin." Salvation, therefore, is completely the work of God.
### The Walking Dead
We are the walking dead before the Lord calls us to life. Edwards preached, "You have nothing that ever did in the least move God to be gracious to you, but it was because it pleased him to show mercy to you."
We are evil and wicked with no hope of ever being able to do anything to save ourselves. Just as you have no hand in your physical birth, you have no part to play in your spiritual birth. Edwards asserted, "Man’s good works are of no worth in the sight of God if they proceed not from a good heart...but the heart of man is wholly corrupt."
God alone saves. As sinners, we need to call out for mercy to God (and even this recognition of our need is by His grace alone). Edwards reminded us, "It is of infinite importance that we are sensible of our dependence on God for all."
### The Divine Initiative
Salvation is from first to last the work of God alone. No one can boast as we have no part to play but to cry out to God for mercy. Our salvation is His doing. Edwards wrote, "You contribute nothing to your salvation except the sin that made it necessary."
Until that happens, we are lost and can never save ourselves. Edwards encapsulated this truth with clarity: "The redeemed have all their objective good in God. God himself is the great good which they are brought to the possession and enjoyment of by redemption."
In understanding the theology of our total depravity and God’s sovereign work in salvation, we recognize that it is only through God’s mercy and grace that we are saved. As Edwards so profoundly taught, "Grace is but glory begun, and glory is but grace perfected." Our utter dependence on God for our salvation magnifies His glory and humbles us before His infinite mercy.
Most people wrongly believe they can contribute to their salvation and that they are essentially good. Edwards challenged this notion, emphasizing that "all mankind are by nature in a state of total ruin." This ruin extends to every part of our being, making us utterly incapable of contributing to our salvation. As Edwards wrote, "The corruption of the heart of man is great. There is in the heart of man a great deal of pride, a great deal of self-righteousness."
### God's Sovereign Work in Salvation
In summary:
You can only be born again when the Father draws you, the Holy Spirit quickens you, and the Son frees you. Edwards emphasized the necessity of divine intervention: "A natural man has no ability or disposition to exercise the graces of the Spirit; he has no inclination to come to Christ, or to embrace him, or trust in him."
Until God causes you to be born of His Spirit, you are and will continue to be dead in your sins, hostile to God and His truth, and completely unable to save yourself. Edwards poignantly described this state: "The heart of man is exceedingly depraved, it is desperately wicked, it is dead in sin." Salvation, therefore, is completely the work of God.
### The Walking Dead
We are the walking dead before the Lord calls us to life. Edwards preached, "You have nothing that ever did in the least move God to be gracious to you, but it was because it pleased him to show mercy to you."
We are evil and wicked with no hope of ever being able to do anything to save ourselves. Just as you have no hand in your physical birth, you have no part to play in your spiritual birth. Edwards asserted, "Man’s good works are of no worth in the sight of God if they proceed not from a good heart...but the heart of man is wholly corrupt."
God alone saves. As sinners, we need to call out for mercy to God (and even this recognition of our need is by His grace alone). Edwards reminded us, "It is of infinite importance that we are sensible of our dependence on God for all."
### The Divine Initiative
Salvation is from first to last the work of God alone. No one can boast as we have no part to play but to cry out to God for mercy. Our salvation is His doing. Edwards wrote, "You contribute nothing to your salvation except the sin that made it necessary."
Until that happens, we are lost and can never save ourselves. Edwards encapsulated this truth with clarity: "The redeemed have all their objective good in God. God himself is the great good which they are brought to the possession and enjoyment of by redemption."
In understanding the theology of our total depravity and God’s sovereign work in salvation, we recognize that it is only through God’s mercy and grace that we are saved. As Edwards so profoundly taught, "Grace is but glory begun, and glory is but grace perfected." Our utter dependence on God for our salvation magnifies His glory and humbles us before His infinite mercy.
Find out more by listening to Rev MacArthur, see video below.
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