Roman Catholicism is a false religion

In Roman Catholicism salvation has to be merited.


The Bible promises salvation to those that repent (turn away from their sinful ways), believe in and follow as Lord, the One whom God has sent, Jesus.


The true Gospel teaches that the Lord is our Righteousness and that He imputes His righteousness to us when we believe in Him and what He has done for us in atoning for our sins.

We are spiritually transformed when we believe.  We are moved from Death to Life.

Roman Catholicism teaches an utterly different and false gospel based on good works.  It is simply not Christian.


The Word of God teaches clearly that salavation is by Faith alone, in Christ alone and by Grace alone.  


The Word of God is to be our only guide in all matters pertaining to life and salvation, yet in Roman Catholicism it is taught that the traditions of the Roman Catholic church are of equal weight to God's Word and that the teachings of the Pope are infallible and without error.  However, the Pope is just a man.  No Pope is without sin, as all have sinned, and all Popes are prone to sin and error.


Contrary to Roman Catholicism, the true Gospel of Jesus Christ is set out clearly in Scripture.  The Gospel teaches us that salvation is something that God alone gives and that we have no means of earning or participating in our salvation.


Spiritual Life is an unmerited gift.


Unfortunately, Roman Catholicism teaches many things in direct opposition to what is taught in Scripture.  


That is why the Roman Catholic church is hostile to the Truth.


It was this "church" that burned the first Bibles translated into English and has  persecuted genuine Christians through the Ages past (even burning them at the stake).




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